
If you want to repare or updated your studio equipment such as tube recorders, tube microphones, tube pre-amplifiers, power tube amplifier than you can find here some tube types you might be interested in following brands:

Tungsram - Philips - Tesla - RFT - Ultron - Valvo – Radio Technique Compelec - Adzam - Telefunken <> - Siemens -  GE - RCA - Radiotechnique - Brimar - Sylvania - Japan - Westinghouse - Motorola - Amperex - Adzam - Honeywell - KenRad - National - Landsdale – Mazda –Thomson/CSF – Mullard – Tronal – Pope – Miniwatt/Dario - National Union - KenRad - CBS - Tung-Sol - Raytheon – STC- Philips/ECG – Western Electric – Electro Harmonix – Sovtek  and many more.

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€ 30,00 - € 30,00


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